Performing at the XX World Festival of Marian Song--Guatemala
What Nancy Krebs can offer you...
Nancy has a very active Christian music ministry located in the Baltimore-Washington area. She can offer:
- Leading worship as a cantor
- Music Provider on guitar
- Concerts of original music
- Retreats in Song
Her mission is to serve Christian faith communities of all denominations, sharing the music that God has given her to write, perform and record. Nancy welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about creating an event for your congregation or parish.
A little about her background....
'I started singing at age 3, and haven't stopped yet! When I was 12, I began playing the violin. That soon led to the guitar and eventually the mandolin. In high school, I began to write songs for Folk Masses and other church services. Ignoring a strong calling to compose full time, I actively pursued a career in theatre, film, radio and TV.
I have performed with professional regional theatres such as Center Stage, Alaska Repertory Theatre and Meadowbrook Theatre. I was a principal cast member of the Emmy award winning TV series for PBS called Once Upon a Town. In 1980 I joined the theatre faculty of the Baltimore School for the Arts and since 1981 I have been a member of the Interact Story Theatre.
In 1994 my original calling to compose meditational songs of a spiritual nature could be ignored no longer. Turning the process over to God, I spent 4 years composing music and began recording in 1998. With the guidance and support of my husband, Pete Baden, I have recorded and produced 7 albums since then; all of which are receiving airplay throughout the world. What a journey. God has prepared me for this role all these years. When I look back it's just like a quilt. This is just what I should be doing. I'm happiest when doing this kind of service.'
What people have said about her ministry....
“It was our privilege and joy to have with of the most talented artists to have graced our chapel in a very long time. Nancy Krebs, from her peaceful interior, projects a dynamism and presence that immediately engage an audience.”
--Sr. Mary Alice Chineworth, OSP
“A couple of years ago I was introduced to the music of Nancy Krebs. Her compositions touched my heart from my first listening of them....Her music leads one to a greater appreciation of the Spirit of God active and alive in our world and in our hearts.”
--Rev. Frank Donio, S.A.C.
“What a joy it was to...hear you sing the Lord’s praises in such a wonderful, creative and imaginative way. I would and will highly recommend your concert to anyone interested in a spiritual performance of grace, sensitivity, and faithfulness”.
--Rev. Mark Wm. Radecke, Chaplain to Susquehanna University
“I am so proud of you and am so appreciative of a woman of your faith and musical talent...”
--Bishop P. Francis Murphy, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, 1998
“Your ability to write, perform and stage a religious concert of this type is truly a unique gift and I hope you continue your work of evangelization for many years.”
--Mr. Larry Flynn, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus
“When Jesus told the story of the person with 10 talents, He must have had Nancy in mind. In my 40 years of teaching, my thousands of students are like a giant pyramid with Nancy Krebs sitting on the top. If Webster needs an illustration for the word ‘talent’, he could use her picture!”
--Dr. Lu Elrod, Professor of Music, California State Univ., L.A.
“Nancy Krebs is a dynamic and generous force on stage, whose beautiful voice and open spirit makes audiences out of strangers. she is musical to the marrow and writes as if she’s known us all along.”
--Donald Hicken, Baltimore, School for the Arts
“Your music enhances our liturgy so much. We can’t wait to have you come again...and again...and again!”
--Good Shepherd Center
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